Dose of Self-positivity for better management of corporate affairs

The unprecedented times have called for a revolution in how things were carried out in our professional spheres. These transitions have not only demanded the organisations to change their style of working but also the employees to become more adaptive and show positive dynamism. But there is a question that all the professionals should ask themselves, which is, “Is this change a feeling of positivity or negativity for me?”. Reflecting on this, many of us would realise that in many ways this constant spree of changes is taking a toll on our mental health. Unable to see an end to uncertain times, though at an unconscious level our brain is accepting these hazy times, at the same time it is not very sure of what clear course of action to take. Also, the locus of control of the majority of events being external, no matter how much you or I think about it, little can we do to change them.

This calls for a Dose of Self-positivity, especially for the people operating in highly demanding corporate environments. There are some ways we can walk ourselves through this path of positivity.

  • Positive suggestive affirmations: Suggestive affirmations can be of any kind, but what we have to feed our unconscious with, is positive affirmations. So, during feelings of extreme pressure, sit with yourself and affirm yourself with sentences like: “I have confidence in myself, to successfully handle this difficult task”. “I am a go-getter”, or any other affirmation you know will help you feel better.
  • Silence therapy: There is a constant hustle of thoughts in our brain throughout the day which should be put to rest. So, just take out 20 minutes or more if you like, lie down in some calm place at your home, without your phone or laptop or any unnecessary noises. Try to focus on some natural sounds around you like the sound of the fan or the AC etc.
  • Mental visualisation:  Many times, due to the stress of some work assignment or an important meeting tomorrow, we are just not able to put our minds to rest and sleep. This is something I count on for myself. Think of some scenic beauty you came across on your last vacation or some very vivid childhood memory that never fails to bring a smile on your face. Mentally visualise these vacation or childhood memories, which give your brain something positive to focus on.
  • Speech Reframing: Negative or positive beliefs become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Putting across extremely negative beliefs in your speeches, about the self, directs our unconscious mind to focus on them. To feel positive, we need to start by speaking positively. Also, a very interesting fact is that our unconscious mind is inherently positive and does not process negatives like “no” or “not”. So, even when we say, "We are not troubled", it will process the word “troubled” but not the word “not”. So, reframing this sentence would be “I am happy”, so the brain focuses on happiness.
  • Communicating concerns: Sharing our concerns with people around us is a great way to give a let out to the negative feelings. Sometimes, it's not necessary to fight with these troubling thoughts alone. Reaching out and talking to people you love about a bad presentation, or a negative remark from your boss can give a vent to all these pent-up feelings. If you don’t feel like telling anyone, tell your dairy, it is always eager to listen.
  • Spiritual turn: Spirituality is not religion. Spirituality is a way of finding ways to connect to your soul and inner energies. For some, their spiritual journey is aided by religious teachings. Wherever you lie, it's fine, but take these times to harness your spiritual growth. Enroll yourself in that meditation session you always wanted to or that Chakra therapy or the happiness support group. For me, believing that a higher power exists and remembering him at unprecedented times or taking out a few minutes a day to chant his name helps. Take a spiritual turn on this journey of yours.

These are some small doses of self positivity, all of us can give to ourselves. These practices if done consistently will bring small and steady positive changes for all the professionals facing multiple stressors simultaneously.


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