
Showing posts from July, 2020

Faith: A Journey from Disbelief to Belief

The very essence of the word 'Faith' is Belief about self, or others, or in the existence of a higher power in the universe. There are so many popular beliefs about faith in different forms and existence. In my understanding, it is one of the many positive words that we come across in so many motivational and life transitioning speeches of some of the successful people we know. At that moment, we may feel a rush of abundant faith and positivity down our bodies. Our mind may be filled with all-conquering thoughts, but it’s just a matter of time when we start experiencing the earlier feelings of dismay and disbelief. I am sure all of us have experienced this time and again.  For all of us, this journey of faith is not an easy one. As far as my understanding goes, it all starts within. So many times, we fail to make sense of why we are not able to put our faith in people and situations despite our familiarity with them. Before we struggle any further and ponder on how to overcom

Flip Side of Expertise

Experts and their expertise is perceived by the majority of us as an all desirable quality of an individual. Experts are individuals with specialised knowledge in their functional area(s). Experts have talents or special abilities to perform the skills associated with their expertise with utmost brilliance and at a negligible rate of error. Now, let’s hold this thought and ponder if this is really the case? Are experts always right and 'know-it-all'? With this article, I would like to draw the light to alternate and less acknowledged realities about being an expert. Experts are individuals with great depth and breadth of knowledge, acquired and developed through years of practice, research, and experience in their respective areas. But with all these positives, a few negatives are also complimentary in their journey.     Knowledge Chunking : Something that distinguishes an expert and a novice is the unconscious process of knowledge chunking by experts. After

Dose of Self-positivity for better management of corporate affairs

The unprecedented times have called for a revolution in how things were carried out in our professional spheres. These transitions have not only demanded the organisations to change their style of working but also the employees to become more adaptive and show positive dynamism. But there is a question that all the professionals should ask themselves, which is, “Is this change a feeling of positivity or negativity for me?”. Reflecting on this, many of us would realise that in many ways this constant spree of changes is taking a toll on our mental health. Unable to see an end to uncertain times, though at an unconscious level our brain is accepting these hazy times, at the same time it is not very sure of what clear course of action to take. Also, the locus of control of the majority of events being external, no matter how much you or I think about it, little can we do to change them. This calls for a  Dose of Self-positivity , especially for the people operating in highly demanding cor